Cem Kesemen

Songs for any Occasion

I bought the domain name over 10 years ago: SongsForAnyOccasion.com.

It was the name of a weaklazyliar album. I’ve bought and let lapse so many domains before and since then, but this one I just held on to.

I wanted to create a lyrics directory first. I started noting down themes from songs I liked… Songs about months, seasons, certain feelings, colors, vibes, and other musings…

I saw it as a technical project for myself though, another step in learning some other language or framework. It took me over 9 years to realize that I didn’t need to do that, and all I wanted was to write about songs that were special to me. Songs, and artists, that meant a lot to me.

Screenshot of Songs for any Occasion blog.

So it’s just a blog now. Ever since the first week of 2021, I’ve been writing a weekly post about an artist, and their most important song for me.

Some are well known, some are totally obscure. Some, I realize as I do some research to refresh my memory, have actually popped up in my life in unexpected ways. And some lost forever on the internet, and only remain as an offline copy on my computer.

I still have half a year to write about a few bands, and I think the best is yet to come. My goal is to post every week, and I’ve been able to keep up so far, and I have no intention of slowing down. You can follow along on RSS, like we did 10 years ago, if you’d like.